Perimeter Intrusion Detecion Solotions Africa
Perimeter Intrusion Detecion Solotions Africa
Perimeter Intrusion Detecion Solotions Africa
Perimeter Intrusion Detecion Solotions Africa
PIDSA (Pty) Ltd


FiberPatrol FP1150
Point-Locating Fiber Optic Intrusion Detection System
FiberPatrol FP1150 is a perimeter intrusion detection system that can be fence-mounted, buried, or deployed in a wall-top configuration. Using its two sensor channels, FP1150 supports a cut-immune configuration. The fiber optic sensor is immune to lightning and EMI and requires no conductive components or grounding points in the field.
How It Works
The FiberPatrol FP1150 works by transmitting pulses of laser light into single-mode optical fiber and accurately measuring the minute light reflections that occur along its length. A disturbance of the fiber caused by fence vibrations changes the amount of light returned from that point. FiberPatrol’s reflectometry-based technology does not require the light to traverse the full length of cable. If a cable is cut, FiberPatrol retains the ability to detect and locate intrusions up to the point of the cut, thus enabling the system to support cut-immune configurations.

Detection Capabilities
Detects and locates perimeter intrusions over distances of up to 80 km (49.7 mi) per processor
Pinpoints intrusions with a +/-4 m (13 ft) accuracy
Flexible, software-based zoning
Accurately detects and locates multiple simultaneous intrusions
Reports alarms by zone number, cable distance and/or GPS coordinates.

Performance Features
Supports virtually all fence types
If sensor cable is cut, detection continues up to cut location
Full cut-immune configuration available
Reliably detects intrusions in the presence of non-localized environmental noise

Fiber Optic Benefits
No powered or conductive items required in the field
Immune to EMI and lightning, intrinsically safe in explosive atmospheres
Long sensor cable service life (25+ years)
Unused fibers can be reused for other applications
FiberPatrol FP1150 Features
Protect Sites With Confidence
With supported distances of up to 80 km (49.7 mi), FP1150 is ideal for protecting a variety of sites, including airports, campuses, and petrochemical facilities. Its advanced detection algorithms detect and locate intrusions while rejecting events caused by distributed weather conditions like heavy wind and rain. For organizations, this results in higher security, higher system confidence, and lower nuisance alarms
Enhance Existing Fence
The FP1150 works with chain-link, welded mesh and expanded metal mesh fences. A single pass of sensor cable provides effective protection for fences up to 4.3 m (14 ft) in height. The sensor may also be used on palisade-style fences depending on the specific characteristics of the fence.
Gate Protection
The FP1150 sensor cable can be installed on swinging gates to provide detection, and the gate area itself can be configured as an independent detection zone. Sliding gates are typically protected with Senstar’s Wireless Gate Sensor or UltraWave microwave sensor.
Buried Perimeter Detection Applications
When an intruder moves across the ground above a buried fiber optic sensor cable, whether walking, running, or crawling, characteristic vibrations are created. The system distinguishes these from background vibrations, and the FP1150 declares an alarm when the detection criteria are met.
Wall-Top Applications
For walled perimeters, the FP1150 sensor cable is mounted at the top corners of the wall. Any impact on the sensor cable by an intruder’s hands, feet, or climbing aid will be detected by the system. For the highest security, the sensor cable can be installed on both the inner and outer sides of the wall.
Networking and Integration
With built-in Ethernet and support for Senstar’s UltraLink family of I/O cards, the FP1150 can work with virtually any security system.
Cut-Immune Configuration
When the sensor cable is cut, either accidentally or in an attempt to defeat the sensor, the FP1150 immediately reports the incident, including its exact location. Moreover, the sensor retains the ability to detect and localize intrusions up to the point of the cut. When installed in the cut-immune configuration, the sensor continues to provide detection on the full perimeter even after a cable cut.
Multi-Purpose Sensor Cables
The FP1150 uses single-mode fiber within telecommunications-grade cable. In addition to having a nominal service life of 25+ years, unused fibers within the cable can be used for other purposes, including networking and providing communications to other sensors and security devices installed along the perimeter.
Multi-Purpose Sensor Cables
The FP1150 includes a built-in alarm display application and uses the same integration software as other Senstar products, reducing training requirements while increasing operational efficiencies. Running the Windows® operating system, the system is easy to configure and manage. Alarms, control, and status information can be managed by the Network Manager software, which provides a common unified interface for Senstar’s video and security management software as well as other industry-leading third-party systems.
Multi-Purpose Sensor Cables
With built-in Ethernet and support for Senstar’s UltraLink family of I/O cards, the FP1150 can work with virtually any security system.
Deployment Diagram
FiberPatrol communicates with the security system via Ethernet. Integrations using output relays are also supported.